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Wednesday Business After Hours-Lewis & Clark Birthday Celebrations

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitors Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE

You are invited to attend a Business After Hours! Thursday, August 22 5pm to 7pm William Clark's Birthday, August 1, 1770 Meriwether Lewis' Birthday August 18, 1774 Bring your friends and employees. Experience what over 10,000 out-of-town visitors from all 50 states and from over 30 foreign countries come to explore each year.

School Days Living History

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE, United States

 Lewis and Clark Interpretive Trails and Visitor Center  100 Valmont Dr, Nebraska City, NE 68410  “School Days Living History”   to be held on August 23, 2024   As an educator teaching American history we are confident that you have often  wished you could just go back in time show your students just what it was like. We  will give you the opportunity to do just that. The time period we offer our experience  in is from 1800 to 1850. We will cover the Lewis and Clark Expedition and our  American frontier right up to the civil war period. Trained and experienced

“School Living History Days” *Open to the Public Saturday*

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE, United States

Our "School Days Living History" event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ON SATURDAY, AUG 24 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm! Educators teaching American history often wish they could go back in time and show their students just what life was like..As part of our 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION we'll give you the opportunity to do just that! Come experience what daily life was like from 1800 to 1850. Our re-enactors will take you on a journey with the Lewis and Clark Expedition and throughout the American frontier right up to the Civil War period. Trained and experienced re-enactors will be

Living History Days

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitors Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE

Step back in time with live reenactors for a hands-on experience of the Lewis & Clark Expedition and the opening of the American Frontier. We will have demonstrations of the following: Blacksmithing Hide Skinning Buck Skinning Hide Interpretations Woodworking Rope Making Mountain Man Survival Skills

Living History Days

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE, United States

Step back in time with live reenactors for a hands-on experience of the Lewis & Clark Expedition and the opening of the American Frontier. We will have demonstrations of the following: Hide Skinning Buck Skinning Hide Interpretations Woodworking Rope Making Mountain Man Survival Skills

Saturday with a Soldier

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE, United States

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center presents Saturday with a Soldier every second Saturday from April through October. The Living History Corps, portraying members of the Corps of Discovery, will be giving live demonstrations and telling stories of daily life on the expedition. Kids can dress up in look-alike uniforms and try their hand at tomahawk throwing. Great photo opportunities!

Christmas with the Birds

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE, United States

We will be making bird houses and tree decorations for birds again this year! This event will be free to the public, as will all the supplies needed for birdhouses. Guests of all ages are welcome!

Brownbagging with the Birds

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE, United States

Bring a sack lunch and enjoy bird watching with us over the noon hour!

Brownbagging with the Birds

Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center 100 Valmont Drive, Nebraska City, NE, United States

Bring a sack lunch and enjoy bird watching with us over the noon hour!